Kia ora tatou ngā whānau,
Welcome back to all learners and whānau for the start of Term 2, I also welcome our new learners to College. The beautifully warm and calm Autumn weather we have experienced this week has certainly enhanced the beginning of our new term. We have an extremely busy term ahead of us in our learning programmes and co-curricular activities. This term we particularly look forward to the wonderful celebration Te Wairua o Nga Mahi Toi – The “Spirit of the Arts”. Sarah Pumphry, our Arts Coordinator, Arts faculty and Arts Leaders, Jesse Sherlock and Vianne Wessels and Theo Parker are now well under way with planning and organising this event. We look forward to celebrating the opening of Mahi Toi with our Mass of Creativity in week 5 of the term. At our year level assemblies this week our Librarian Mrs Ditzel and Library assistants Megan, Ella and Jasmine promoted our 2022 Reading Challenge; learners are encouraged to select reading and keep record of pages read throughout the reading challenge. House points will be awarded to participants reading the most pages leading up to our Geek Week celebration starting on 23 May.
Of top priority is student engagement in learning; we celebrate the positive relationships our Teachers and our Support Staff enjoy with our learners, we know that it is through these relationships that each classroom is a positive and challenging space where learning can flourish. I wish our learners every success this term in their learning and achievement. I look forward to meeting many of you at our parent teacher conferences for Year 11 – 13 learners 18 & 19 May and for our Year 9 & 10 learners 8 & 9 June.
For many of us it may appear that the threat and impact of Covid-19 is not so critical, however the medical advice is that there continues to be a high risk of infection and transmission within the community. While we are at CPF Orange, the Ministry of Education advises that on school or public transport a face mask must be worn by students aged 12 and above. We are reminded about the importance of mask wearing. Whether learners have had Covid or not, we highly recommend them to be wearing masks inside at school. We continue to keep all the other health measures in place at school. These include ensuring our indoor spaces are well-ventilated, maintaining good hand hygiene and cough and sneeze etiquette, appropriate physical distancing whenever we can and, most importantly, staying home if we are sick. I thank you for your support.
Mā te Atua koe e tiaki – May God be with you
Ngā mihi nui,
John Maguire
Easter Quote
We are people of hope, Christ has risen,