Gap Year
There are many reasons for taking a year out. After 10 years in school you may feel like it’s time for a break from study! There are several advantages to having a working year or a Gap year.
You can:
- experience the world of work in a real way
- become more mature
- become more independent and experienced in your decision-making
- clarify your study and career future, and make new or more informed decisions
- work with people from different walks of life
- experience different types of workplaces
- learn new skills.
There are many different places you can go and things you can do in your Gap year. You may like to explore some of the following websites for more information:
- AFS Exchange Programme website – find out about AFS’ community service programme for people over 18
- Au Pair Link New Zealand website – find out about becoming an au pair overseas
- Camp America website – find out about working in summer camps in the United States
- Global Volunteer Network website – volunteer opportunities worldwide
- IEP website – find out about working holidays, volunteering and summer camps in America
- Lattitude website – find out about opportunities to do volunteer work overseas
- www.TheLeap.co.uk – Gap year options
- New Zealand Conservation Corps website – find out about a conservation training programme for young Kiwis
- Rotary International website – find out about Rotary student exchange programme
- Volunteer Service Abroad (VSA) website – find out about volunteer opportunities internationally
- Your education – arranges short and long term exchanges overseas.
Note: visit websites listed above for cut off dates.
Other Resources
- Career Central – Garin’s Career Management System. Students have 24/7 access, with single sign on login from Homepage
- Understanding NCEA – read the NZQA site.
- Read more about Youth Guarantees and Vocational Pathways, launched in 2013
- Career New Zealand website (Read more on the Career Services website about How to understand NCEA – a guide for parents)
- Feesfree.govt.nz – information on the policy launched in 2017
- Study tips
- Jobted – a website that helps with decision-making