Garin College was established with a vision of helping the Catholic young people of the top-of-the-south become the adults they were created to be. The school quickly also attracted many others who were not Catholic but who were attracted by the holistic vision of each person stretching to reach their potential in a wide range of areas.
The Garin Crest
Everything about Garin College is new – and that means we can deliberately choose everything we do and everything we stand for. Nothing is taken for granted.
The Garin Crest has the New Zealand fern surrounding, embracing, and protecting three other symbols. We are grounded in the life and culture of our very special country. The book can be seen as symbolizing The Bible – and it also represents learning.
The three paths fading into the distance have been seen as representing Jesus (the way, the truth, and the life), but also symbolize the Church (looking very much like a church steeple with a cross on top). Others have seen them as different paths leading to the same destination: Jesus. We all have to live our own lives and make our own ways to Jesus: but the goal is always the same, and on the journey, we are always under the protection and guidance of Jesus and the Church.
And the final symbol is the Cross – the Cross and Resurrection are our destination: a light shining on the hilltop.
The school colours are black, maroon and gold.
Our Values
Our culture is Catholic-but we also stand for:
- Gospel values like Aroha (love), compassion, Manaakitanga (hospitality or generosity), hope, justice (especially for those who cannot demand it for themselves), dignity, reconciliation and community, commitment, inclusiveness, and Rangimarie (tolerance).
- Faith & Wisdom
- Freedom, and living life to the full
- Respect for our environment
- Commitment
- Effective Teaching and Learning
- Hard work
- Respect for others
- Safety
- Success for every student
From the New Zealand Curriculum, we adopt other qualities and competencies to foster. These are very compatible with the Catholic and Christian character of the school – qualities like communication, creative problem solving, self-management, adaptability, constructive approach to challenge, self-discipline, integrity, social skills, trustworthiness, reliability, fairness, diligence, citizenship, respect for the law, and honesty.
What drives a Catholic School?
Our Creator made each one of us-and as educators in a Catholic school we work with our Creator to help young people become the fully formed adults they were created to be. Each one of us is a gift from God-and we honour that
Garin College works hard to be a 21st-century standard-setter in education, and in the formation of young people as responsible and principled citizens whose lives are based on the teachings of Jesus.
Catholic schools are different.
Because we know God created each one of us, we respect each person. We educate the whole person God created: academic, physical, spiritual, emotional, moral and creative. We find ways to develop leadership, confidence, and community spirit. We do this through our work in the classroom and the relationships students develop with their teachers – but also through sport, cultural activities, Christian action, leadership, camps, prayer, liturgies and Journey programme.
We want our children to have the very best chance of a happy life. We want them to have the qualifications they need, the healthy bodies they need, and the ability to form faithful, loving relationships.
If you have more specific questions, go to the Frequently Asked Questions.